Steer Physiotherapy

Steer Physiotherapy

Steer Physiotherapy is a private practice physiotherapy clinic and rehabilitation clinic located in the Mid-Coast region of North Arm Cove, NSW, with a secondary location in the Mid-North Coast region of Bulahdelah, NSW.

The physiotherapists at Steer are trained to assess, diagnose and treat a variety of acute and chronic conditions. A key part of their role is to work with their clients to guide the management of these conditions. This sees them treating and managing symptoms associated with acute injuries, musculoskeletal, paediatric, chronic and persistent pain conditions, strength and conditioning, workplace injuries, women’s and men’s health and falls prevention.


Bulahdelah Medical Centre
80 Stroud Street
Bulahdelah NSW 2423

29 Eastslope Way
North Arm Cove NSW 2324